3 New Years’ Resolutions for Dog Owners
Posted on December 29, 2021 by Chris Fleming

Here we are in the last few days of 2021. During this time, many people make all sorts of New Years’ resolutions – from reducing screen time to going to the gym. So, in the spirit of the season, and as dog lovers, we thought we’d suggest a few potential New Years’ Resolutions for our fellow dog owners. Here we go!
1. Start Training with Your Dog
This one can be tricky. Training a dog requires consistency and discipline not only for our dogs but ourselves too. The New Year is a great time to set aside some time each day to work with your dog. You may be surprised how quickly you can train your dog to sit or stop jumping on house guests. We recommend using the marker training system as it is scientifically formulated to help your dog learn.
2. Clip Your Dog’s Nails
Here’s another New Years’ resolution and one that might save your hardwood floors. Working dogs that hunt or herd cattle will wear down their nails naturally. Unfortunately, almost all pet dogs do not wear down their claws enough, so they need to be clipped. Many owners find this intimidating or hate the sound of clipping nails. If you’re able to, now would be a great time to get a pair of dog nail clippers and watch some videos on proper technique. Otherwise, you can take your dog to a groomer (we offer grooming at All Dogs Dream) and get their nails clipped.
3. Exercise Your Dog Regularly
Whether for your dog’s health or just its happiness, dogs need exercise. Fetch, a walk, or tug-of-war are all excellent ways to get your dog’s heart rate up and keep them happy and fit! As the days are starting to get longer again, now would be a great time to resolve to get outside with your dog.
Group Dog Training Classes from All Dogs Dream
Pssst! If you’re looking for an opportunity to enroll in a fun group dog training class, we offer them here at All Dogs Dream. We’re currently working through a seven-week course on Thursday nights and plan to offer more soon.